WEB DESIGN + marketing

for conscious business owners

mindfulness│art + beauty│personalized design│creativity│authenticity

curating digital experiences with intention, beauty & awareness


I believe that true wellness comes from a holistic approach; one that recognizes the interconnectedness of the body, mind, spirit, and connection to the natural world. In our fast-paced + stimulating lives ~ tending to our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual well-being is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

Heart Home came to me in the desert ~ one of my many homes away from home. These words refer to an environment where you feel a deep sense of belonging, comfort and connection. A place that provides a feeling of safety, acceptance, and being truly at home. A quality rich with support, love, and wisdom.

Through practices of movement, stillness, silence, sound medicine, modern somatics, nutritious food and other modalities of wellness and ritual, the gift of replenishment, stability, peace, health, and inspiration endures.

My retreats are hosted in magical locations around the world to inspire appreciation for wild beauty and connection to culture. Immersing into a different place allows for new perspective. Living in rhythm with the changing seasons and cycles around us guides us into right relationship with our hearts, truth, and inner wisdom. Exploring familiar and new ways to feel, to move, to be brings us closer to our authentic nature and artistry.

These experiences are not only an opportunity to take a break from your busy life and offer yourself deep self care, but your yes and investment also allows me to support local farmers, conscious brands, sacred lands, and people from all walks of life. I always want my retreats, to my best ability, to be making positive ripples and impact in the world. 

I love you and appreciate you for taking the time to connect to my vision and intentions. My team and I are devoted to guiding you through a positive and memorable experience that carries with you into your everyday life. I hope the offerings you receive can turn into supportive resources and rituals for your human journey.

: Choose Your Path :

Nourishing your whole self through the power of embodiment, intentional living, and supportive community. When we take care of ourselves, the gift of inner peace and health endures. Your body is always in service of creating harmony and balance. May we all create space to explore ourselves, our hearts and our truth intimately. May we know our anchors that help us feel stable and safe. May we practice and devote time to listening and slowing down, so we can show up fully in relationship with our lives. May we yield to the intelligence of our body and nervous system, to allow for natural processes of healing to occur. 

Join yoga teacher and sound artist Eliza Demarest on an immersive retreat and learn how to apply the medicine of restoration, balance and rhythmic living to support your wellness journey. 

